diff options
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/php.spec b/php.spec
index 6e64c58..4f11258 100644
--- a/php.spec
+++ b/php.spec
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
Summary: PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
Name: %{?scl_prefix}php
Version: %{upver}%{?lower:~%{lower}}%{?gh_date:.%{gh_date}}
-Release: 24%{?dist}
+Release: 25%{?dist}
# All files licensed under PHP version 3.01, except
# Zend is licensed under Zend
# TSRM is licensed under BSD
@@ -1462,26 +1462,29 @@ ln -s %{_bindir}/lsphp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_root_bindir}/ls%{scl}
+TESTCMD="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/php --no-php-ini"
+# Ensure all provided extensions are really there
+for mod in core date filter hash libxml openssl pcntl pcre readline reflection session spl standard zlib
+ $TESTCMD --modules | grep -qi $mod
+TESTCMD="$TESTCMD --define extension_dir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/php/modules"
# Generate files lists and stub .ini files for each subpackage
-for mod in pgsql odbc ldap snmp xmlrpc \
- mysqlnd mysqli pdo_mysql \
+for mod in pgsql odbc ldap snmp \
+ mysqlnd mysqli \
json \
%if %{with_imap}
imap \
- mbstring gd dom xsl soap bcmath dba xmlreader xmlwriter \
+ mbstring gd dom xsl soap bcmath dba \
simplexml bz2 calendar ctype exif ftp gettext gmp iconv \
sockets tokenizer opcache \
- pdo pdo_pgsql pdo_odbc pdo_sqlite \
+ pdo \
%if %{with_sqlite3}
sqlite3 \
-%if %{with_oci8}
- oci8 pdo_oci \
-%if %{with_interbase}
- pdo_firebird \
%if %{with_enchant}
enchant \
@@ -1490,28 +1493,42 @@ for mod in pgsql odbc ldap snmp xmlrpc \
%if %{with_tidy}
tidy \
-%if %{with_freetds}
- pdo_dblib \
%if %{with_zip}
zip \
sodium \
pspell curl xml \
- posix shmop sysvshm sysvsem sysvmsg
+ posix shmop sysvshm sysvsem sysvmsg \
+ pdo_mysql pdo_pgsql pdo_odbc pdo_sqlite \
+%if %{with_oci8}
+ oci8 pdo_oci \
+%if %{with_interbase}
+ pdo_firebird \
+%if %{with_freetds}
+ pdo_dblib \
+ xmlrpc xmlreader xmlwriter
# for extension load order
case $mod in
# Zend extensions
+ TESTCMD="$TESTCMD --define zend_extension=$mod"
# Extensions with dependencies on 20-*
+ TESTCMD="$TESTCMD --define extension=$mod"
+ TESTCMD="$TESTCMD --define extension=$mod"
# Extensions with no dependency
+ $TESTCMD --modules | grep -qi $mod
# some extensions have their own config file
if [ -f ${ini} ]; then
cp -p ${ini} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/php.d/${ini}
@@ -1789,6 +1806,9 @@ fi
+* Mon Oct 7 2019 Remi Collet <> - 7.4.0~rc3-25
+- ensure all shared extensions can be loaded
* Fri Oct 4 2019 Remi Collet <> - 7.4.0~rc3-24
- fix broken intl extension on EL-7