diff options
authorRemi Collet <>2010-08-06 18:37:55 +0200
committerRemi Collet <>2010-08-06 18:37:55 +0200
commit514830cf206c726edbc954daf244b683b4f8a544 (patch)
parent47c55f2fb1c98842a855420b9676beaebcd0be26 (diff)
lightning: work on fixlang
3 files changed, 329 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/fixlang.php b/fixlang.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..51ff7d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fixlang.php
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+./fixlang.php --xpi=gdata-provider.xpi \
+ --ref=calendar/locales/en-US/chrome/calendar/providers/gdata \
+ --output=toto \
+ --manifest=mani
+ calendar/locales/en-US/chrome/calendar/providers/gdata
+ calendar/locales/en-US/chrome/lightning/
+ calendar/locales/en-US/chrome/calendar/
+locale gdata-provider en-US jar:chrome/gdata-provider-en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/
+locale calendar en-US jar:chrome/calendar-en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/calendar/
+locale lightning en-US jar:chrome/lightning-en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/lightning/
+ */
+$tmp = "./FIXJAR";
+is_dir($tmp) or mkdir($tmp);
+for ($i = 1 ; $i < $_SERVER["argc"] ; $i++) {
+ $it = explode("=", $argv[$i], 2);
+ $it[0] = preg_replace('/^--/', '', $it[0]);
+ if (in_array($it[0], array('debug','xpi','gdata-provider','lightning','calendar','output','manifest'))) {
+ $$it[0] = $it[1];
+ }
+function LoadDtd ($file, &$tab) {
+ global $debug;
+//$debug=(basename($file)=='global.dtd' ? 2 : 1);
+ $tab=array();
+ $fic=@fopen($file, "r");
+ if (!$fic) {
+ die ("*** Cannot read $file\n");
+ }
+ $prev=false;
+ if ($debug) echo "\t\tLoading $file\n";
+ while ($buf=fgets($fic)) {
+ $buf = rtrim($buf);
+ if (empty($buf) || $buf=="\n") {
+ if ($debug>1) echo "+ empty\n";
+ } else if ($prev!='comment' && preg_match('/^<!ENTITY (.+)"(.*)"( *)> *(<!--.*-->|)$/', $buf, $res)) {
+ if ($debug>1) echo "+ Line '".$res[1]."'\n";
+ $ind=trim($res[1]);
+ $tab[$ind] = $res[1].'"'.$res[2].'">';
+ $prev=false;
+ } else if ($prev!='comment' && preg_match('/^<!ENTITY (.*)"(.*)$/', $buf, $res)) {
+ if ($debug>1) echo "+ Start '".$res[1]."'\n";
+ $ind=trim($res[1]);
+ $tab[$ind] = $res[1].'"'.$res[2];
+ $prev=$ind;
+ } else if (preg_match('/^<!--(.*)-->$/', $buf, $res)) {
+ if ($debug>1) echo "+ Comment (".$res[1].")\n";
+ } else if (preg_match('/^[[:space:]]*<!--(.*)$/', $buf, $res)) {
+ if (isset($tab['license'])) {
+ $ind='comment';
+ } else {
+ $ind='license';
+ }
+ if ($debug>1) echo "+ Start '$ind' (".$res[1].")\n";
+ $tab[$ind] = $res[1];
+ $prev=$ind;
+ } else if ($prev=="license" && preg_match('/^(.*)-->$/', $buf, $res)) {
+ if ($debug>1) echo "+ End 'License'\n";
+ $tab[$prev] .= "\n".$res[1];
+ $prev=false;
+ } else if ($prev=="comment" && preg_match('/^(.*)-->$/', $buf, $res)) {
+ if ($debug>1) echo "+ End 'Comment'\n";
+ unset($tab['comment']);
+ $prev=false;
+ } else if ($prev && preg_match('/^(.*)">$/', $buf, $res)) {
+ if ($debug>1) echo "+ End '".$prev."'\n";
+ $tab[$prev] .= "\n".$res[1].'">';
+ $prev=false;
+ } else if ($prev && preg_match('/^(.*)$/', $buf, $res)) {
+ if ($debug>1) echo "+ Cont. '".$prev."'\n";
+ $tab[$prev] .= "\n".$res[1];
+ } else {
+ die("*** - unkonwn ($buf) !\n");
+ }
+ }
+function SaveDtd ($locpath, $loc, $ref) {
+ global $debug;
+ $fic=@fopen($locpath, "w");
+ if (!$fic) {
+ die ("*** Cannot create $locpath\n");
+ }
+ if ($debug) echo "\tCreate $locpath\n";
+ if (isset($ref['license'])) {
+ fputs($fic, "<!-- ".$ref['license']." -->\n");
+ unset($ref['license']);
+ }
+ // print_r($ref); print_r($loc);
+ foreach($ref as $ind => $line) {
+ if (isset($loc[$ind])) {
+ fputs($fic, "<!ENTITY ".$loc[$ind]."\n");
+ } else {
+ echo "\tAdding missing $ind to $locpath\n";
+ fputs($fic, "<!ENTITY ".$ref[$ind]."\n");
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($fic);
+function FixDtd ($locpath, $refpath) {
+ global $debug;
+ static $cache=array();
+ if ($debug) echo "\tCheck DTD: $locpath $refpath\n";
+ $key = basename($locpath);
+ if (!isset($cache[$key])) {
+ LoadDtd($refpath,$cache[$key]);
+ }
+ $ref = $cache[$key];
+ $loc = array();
+ LoadDtd($locpath, $loc);
+ SaveDtd($locpath, $loc, $ref);
+function LoadProp ($file, &$tab) {
+ global $debug;
+ $fic=@fopen($file, "r");
+ if (!$fic) {
+ die ("*** Cannot read $file\n");
+ }
+ if ($debug) echo "\t\tLoading $file\n";
+ $tab=array();
+ $tab['comment']=array();
+ if ($fic) while ($buf=fgets($fic)) {
+ $buf = rtrim($buf);
+ if (empty($buf) || $buf=="\n") {
+ if ($debug>1) echo "+ empty\n";
+ } else if (preg_match('/^#(.*)$/', $buf, $res)) {
+ if ($debug>1) echo "+ comments\n";
+ $tab['comment'][]=$res[1];
+ } else if (preg_match('/^([A-Za-z0-9._{}@-]*)[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*(.*)/', $buf, $res)) {
+ if ($debug>1) echo "+ Value '".$res[1]."'\n";
+ $ind=trim($res[1]);
+ $tab[$ind] = $res[1].'='.$res[2];
+ } else {
+ echo("\tIgnored ($buf) in $file !\n");
+ }
+ }
+function SaveProp ($locpath, $loc, $ref) {
+ global $debug;
+ $fic=@fopen($locpath, "w");
+ if (!$fic) {
+ die ("*** Cannot create $locpath\n");
+ }
+ if ($debug) echo "\tCreate $locpath\n";
+ if (isset($ref['license'])) {
+ fputs($fic, "<!-- ".$ref['license']." -->\n");
+ unset($ref['license']);
+ }
+ foreach($ref['comment'] as $com) {
+ fputs($fic, "#$com\n");
+ }
+ unset($ref['comment']);
+ // print_r($ref); print_r($loc);
+ foreach($ref as $ind => $line) {
+ if (isset($loc[$ind])) {
+ fputs($fic, $loc[$ind]."\n");
+ } else {
+ echo "\tAdding missing $ind to $locpath\n";
+ fputs($fic, $ref[$ind]."\n");
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($fic);
+function FixProp ($locpath, $refpath) {
+ global $debug;
+ static $cache=array();
+ if ($debug) echo "\tCheck Properties: $locpath $refpath\n";
+ $key = basename($locpath);
+ if (!isset($cache[$key])) {
+ LoadProp($refpath,$cache[$key]);
+ }
+ $ref = $cache[$key];
+ $loc = array();
+ LoadProp($locpath, $loc);
+ SaveProp($locpath, $loc, $ref);
+if (!isset($xpi)
+ || !isset($manifest) || !is_file($manifest)
+ || !isset($output) || !is_dir($output)) {
+ echo "xpi=$xpi, ref=$ref\n";
+ die("usage php fixlang.php --xpi=pathto.xpi --<extname>=pathtorefdir --output=pathtooutputdir --manifest=pathto/chrome.manifest [ --debug=# ]\n");
+$zip = new ZipArchive();
+$zip2 = new ZipArchive();
+$zip3 = new ZipArchive();
+if (!$zip->open($xpi)) {
+ die("*** Can't read $xpi\n");
+$ficman=@fopen($manifest, "a");
+if (!$ficman) {
+ die("*** Can't read $manifest\n");
+for ($i=0 ; $i <$zip->numFiles; $i++) {
+ $file=$zip->statIndex($i);
+ if (preg_match('/^chrome\/(.*)-([a-z]{2}-[a-zA-Z]{2}).jar$/', $file['name'], $regs)) {
+ $extn = $regs[1];
+ $lang = $regs[2];
+ } else if (preg_match('/^chrome\/(.*)-([a-z]{2}).jar$/', $file['name'], $regs)) {
+ $extn = $regs[1];
+ $lang = $regs[2];
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($$extn) && is_dir($$extn)) {
+ $ref=$$extn;
+ } else {
+ die("*** Missing --$extn options\n");
+ }
+ if ($lang == 'en-US') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ //if ($lang != 'et') continue; /// for debug
+ if ($debug) echo "Working on $tmp/chrome/$extn-$lang.jar to $output/chrome/$extn-$lang.jar \n";
+ $zip->extractTo($tmp, "chrome/$extn-$lang.jar");
+ if ($zip2->open($zipin="$tmp/chrome/$extn-$lang.jar")!==true) {
+ die("*** Can't read $zipin\n");
+ }
+ if ($zip3->open($zipout="$output/chrome/$extn-$lang.jar", ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)!==true) {
+ die("*** Can't write $zipout=\n");
+ }
+ for ($j=0 ; $j <$zip2->numFiles; $j++) {
+ $file=$zip2->statIndex($j);
+ $zip2->extractTo($tmp, $file['name']);
+ if (preg_match('/.dtd$/', $file['name'])) {
+ $sub = basename(dirname($file['name']));
+ if (is_file("$ref/".basename($file['name']))) {
+ FixDtd("$tmp/".$file['name'], "$ref/".basename($file['name']));
+ } else if (is_file("$ref/$sub/".basename($file['name']))) {
+ FixDtd("$tmp/".$file['name'], "$ref/$sub/".basename($file['name']));
+ } else {
+ echo "\tSkip check of $tmp/".$file['name']." ($sub)\n";
+ }
+ } else if (preg_match('/.properties$/', $file['name'])) {
+ $sub = basename(dirname($file['name']));
+ if (is_file("$ref/".basename($file['name']))) {
+ FixProp("$tmp/".$file['name'], "$ref/".basename($file['name']));
+ } else if (is_file("$ref/$sub/".basename($file['name']))) {
+ FixProp("$tmp/".$file['name'], "$ref/$sub/".basename($file['name']));
+ } else if (basename($file['name'])=='') {
+ FixProp("$tmp/".$file['name'], "$ref/providers/wcap/".basename($file['name']));
+ } else if (basename($file['name'])=='') {
+ FixProp("$tmp/".$file['name'], "$ref/../calendar/".basename($file['name']));
+ } else {
+ echo "\tSkip check of $tmp/".$file['name']." ($sub)\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($debug) echo "Copy $tmp/".$file['name']."\n";
+ }
+ if ($zip3->addFile("$tmp/".$file['name'], $file['name'])) {
+ if ($debug) echo "\tAdd "."$tmp/".$file['name']." in $zipout\n";
+ } else {
+ die ("*** Can't add ".$file['name']." in $zipout\n");
+ }
+ $base = dirname($file['name']);
+ }
+ fputs($ficman, "locale\t$extn\t$lang\tjar:chrome/$extn-$lang.jar!/$base/\n");
+ $zip2->close();
+ $zip3->close();
diff --git a/sunbird.spec b/sunbird.spec
index 5dc4ff1..d87844b 100644
--- a/sunbird.spec
+++ b/sunbird.spec
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
%define version_internal 1.0b2
%define progdir %{_libdir}/%{name}-%{version_internal}pre
%define thunderbird_internal 3.1
-%define thunderbird_version 3.1.1
+%define thunderbird_version 3.1.2
%define libnotify_version 0.4
%define thundir %{_libdir}/thunderbird-%{thunderbird_internal}
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
Name: sunbird
Version: 1.0
-Release: 0.27%{?dist}
+Release: 0.28%{?dist}
Summary: Calendar application built upon Mozilla toolkit
Group: Applications/Productivity
@@ -317,6 +317,10 @@ fi
+* Fri Aug 06 2010 Remi Collet <> 1.0-0.28
+- Rebuild against Thunderbird 3.1.2
+- add fixlang.php
* Wed Jul 21 2010 Remi Collet <> 1.0-0.27
- Rebuild against Thunderbird 3.1.1
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..54aa36d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+set -x
+if [ ! -d /tmp/comm-1.9.2 ]; then
+ tar xjf thunderbird-3.1.2.source.tar.bz2 -C /tmp && echo Sources extracted
+rm -rf $DIR
+mkdir -p $DIR/chrome
+touch $DIR/gdata.mani
+php ./fixlang.php \
+ --xpi=gdata-provider.xpi \
+ --gdata-provider=/tmp/comm-1.9.2/calendar/locales/en-US/chrome/calendar/providers/gdata \
+ --manifest=/tmp/testfixlang/gdata.mani \
+ --output=$DIR \
+ --debug=0
+touch $DIR/lightning.mani
+php ./fixlang.php \
+ --xpi=lightning.xpi \
+ --lightning=/tmp/comm-1.9.2/calendar/locales/en-US/chrome/lightning \
+ --calendar=/tmp/comm-1.9.2/calendar/locales/en-US/chrome/calendar \
+ --manifest=/tmp/testfixlang/lightning.mani \
+ --output=$DIR \
+ --debug=0