Package: php-doctrine-inflector

Upstream info
Summary: Common string manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules
Type: composer
Composer name: doctrine/inflector
Stable version: 2.0.10
Owner: siwinski
Bugzilla: Active bugs
Packages available in Fedora Repositories
Branch Repository Version-Release Owner Co-maintainers
devel 1.4.4-9.fc41
EL-7 epel-stable 1.1.0-4.el7
EL-6 epel-stable 1.1.0-4.el6
f40 base 1.4.4-8.fc40
f39 base 1.4.4-6.fc39
f38 base 1.4.4-5.fc38
f37 base 1.4.4-4.fc37
f36 base 1.4.4-3.fc36
f35 base 1.4.4-2.fc35
f34 updates 1.4.4-1.fc34
  base 1.4.3-3.fc34
f33 base 1.4.3-2.fc33
f32 updates 1.4.3-1.fc32
  base 1.3.1-2.fc32
f31 updates 1.3.1-1.fc31
  base 1.3.0-4.fc31
f30 updates 1.3.1-1.fc30
  base 1.3.0-3.fc30
f29 base 1.3.0-2.fc29
f28 updates 1.3.0-1.fc28
  base 1.1.0-6.fc28
f27 base 1.1.0-5.fc27
f26 base 1.1.0-4.fc26
f25 updates 1.1.0-4.fc25
  base 1.1.0-2.fc24
f24 updates 1.1.0-4.fc24
  base 1.1.0-2.fc24
f23 updates 1.1.0-1.fc23
  base 1.0.1-5.fc23
f22 updates 1.1.0-1.fc22
  base 1.0.1-2.fc22
f21 updates 1.0.1-4.fc21
  base 1.0-4.20131221gita81c334.fc21
f20 updates 1.0.1-2.fc20
f19 testing 1.0.1-2.fc19
  updates 1.0-4.20131221gita81c334.fc19