- apm-web - APM (Alternative PHP Monitor) web frontend
- ckeditor - WYSIWYG text editor to be used inside web pages
- curl - A utility for getting files from remote servers (FTP, HTTP, and others)
- epiphany - GNOME web browser based on the Mozilla rendering engine
- galeon - GNOME2 Web browser based on Mozilla
- glpi-dumpentity - Extension GLPI d'export d'entité
- glpi-loadentity - Extension GLPI d'import d'une entité
- glpi-mass-ocs-import - Extension GLPI d'import en masse OCS
- liferea - An RSS/RDF feed reader
- mozilla-enigmail - Authentication and encryption extension for mail client
- mozilla-fr-FR - Mozilla en francais
- nspluginwrapper - A compatibility layer for Mozilla/Firefox plugins
- ocsinventory - Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation
- owncloud - Private file sync and share server
- phpMemcachedAdmin - Graphic stand-alone administration for memcached to monitor and debug purpose
- prototype - JavaScript framework
- scriptaculous - JavaScript library
- syntaxhighlighter - JavaScript syntax highlighter
- thunderbird-enigmail - Authentication and encryption extension for Mozilla Thunderbird