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atoum - PHP Unit Testing framework
composer - Dependency Manager for PHP
drush - Command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal
glpi-ocsinventoryng - Plugin to synchronize GLPI with OCS Inventory NG
libev-source - High-performance event loop/event model with lots of features
libicu69-doc - Documentation for International Components for Unicode
libicu71-doc - Documentation for International Components for Unicode
libicu72-doc - Documentation for International Components for Unicode
libicu73-doc - Documentation for International Components for Unicode
openjpeg2-static-devel-docs - Developer documentation for OpenJPEG 2
perl-GStreamer1 - Bindings for GStreamer 1.x
phan - A static analyzer for PHP
phinx - Manage the database migrations for your PHP app
php-Analog - PHP micro logging package
php-EasyRdf - A PHP library designed to make it easy to consume and produce RDF
php-EasyRdf-doc - Documentation for php-EasyRdf
php-Faker - A PHP library that generates fake data
php-Metadata - Class/method/property metadata management in PHP
php-Monolog - Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
php-PHPMailer - PHP email transport class with a lot of features
php-PhpOption - Option type for PHP
php-PsrLog - Common interface for logging libraries
php-Smarty - Template/Presentation Framework for PHP
php-alcaeus-mongo-php-adapter - Mongo PHP Adapter
php-amqplib - Pure PHP implementation of the AMQP protocol
php-aws-php-sns-message-validator - Amazon SNS message validation
php-aws-sdk3 - Amazon Web Services framework for PHP
php-bartlett-PHP-CompatInfo - Find out version and the extensions required for a piece of code to run
php-bartlett-PHP-Reflect - Adds the ability to reverse-engineer PHP
php-bartlett-php-compatinfo-db - Reference Database to be used with php-compatinfo library
php-bartlett-sarif-php-sdk - PHP library to create and manipulate SARIF logs
php-bartlett-umlwriter - Create UML class diagrams from your PHP source
php-behat-gherkin - Gherkin DSL parser for PHP
php-behat-mink - Browser controller/emulator abstraction for PHP
php-behat-mink-browserkit-driver - Symfony BrowserKit driver for Mink framework
php-bjeavons-zxcvbn-php - Realistic password strength estimation PHP library
php-brick-math - Arbitrary-precision arithmetic library
php-brick-varexporter - A powerful alternative to var_export
php-brumann-polyfill-unserialize - Backports unserialize options introduced in PHP 7.0
php-cache-adapter-common - Common classes for PSR-6 adapters
php-cache-filesystem-adapter - A PSR-6 cache implementation using filesystem
php-cache-integration-tests - Integration tests for PSR-6 and PSR-16 cache implementations
php-cakephp-cache - CakePHP Collection Library
php-cakephp-collection - CakePHP Collection Library
php-cakephp-core - CakePHP Framework Core classes
php-cakephp-database - CakePHP Database Library
php-cakephp-datasource - CakePHP Datasource Library
php-cakephp-event - CakePHP Event Library
php-cakephp-log - logging library
php-cakephp-utility - CakePHP Utility Classes
php-cakephp4 - The CakePHP framework
php-cakephp4-cache - CakePHP Collection Library
php-cakephp4-chronos - CakePHP Chronos Library
php-cakephp4-collection - CakePHP Collection Library
php-cakephp4-console - CakePHP Console Library
php-cakephp4-core - CakePHP Framework Core classes
php-cakephp4-database - CakePHP Database Library
php-cakephp4-datasource - CakePHP Datasource Library
php-cakephp4-event - CakePHP Event Library
php-cakephp4-filesystem - CakePHP FileSystem Library
php-cakephp4-form - CakePHP Form Library
php-cakephp4-http - CakePHP Http Library
php-cakephp4-i18n - CakePHP I18n Library
php-cakephp4-log - logging library
php-cakephp4-orm - CakePHP ORM Classes
php-cakephp4-utility - CakePHP Utility Classes
php-cakephp4-validation - CakePHP Validation Classes
php-clue-block-react - Integrate async React PHP components into your blocking environment
php-clue-http-proxy-react - Async HTTP proxy connector
php-clue-reactphp-ssh-proxy - Async SSH proxy connector and forwarder
php-clue-socks-react - Async SOCKS proxy connector client and server implementation
php-clue-stream-filter - A simple and modern approach to stream filtering in PHP
php-code-lts-u2f-php-server - Server side handling class for FIDO U2F registration and authentication
php-codeception-specify - BDD code blocks for PHPUnit and Codeception
php-codeception-verify - BDD assertion library for PHPUnit
php-composer-ca-bundle - Lets you find a path to the system CA
php-composer-installers - A multi-framework Composer library installer
php-composer-metadata-minifier - Library that handles metadata minification and expansion
php-composer-pcre - PCRE wrapping library version 1
php-composer-pcre3 - PCRE wrapping library version 3
php-composer-semver - Semver library version 1
php-composer-semver2 - Semver library version 2
php-composer-semver3 - Semver library version 3
php-composer-spdx-licenses - SPDX licenses list and validation library
php-composer-xdebug-handler - Restarts a process without Xdebug
php-composer-xdebug-handler2 - Restarts a process without Xdebug, version 2
php-composer-xdebug-handler3 - Restarts a process without Xdebug, version 3
php-consolidation-annotated-command - Initialize Symfony Console commands from annotated command class methods
php-consolidation-config - Provide configuration services for a command-line tool
php-consolidation-log - Improved PSR-3 / Psr\\Log logger based on Symfony Console components
php-consolidation-output-formatters - Format text by applying transformations provided by plug-in formatters
php-cs-fixer - PHP Coding Standards Fixer
php-cs-fixer-phpunit-constraint-isidenticalstring - Constraint for testing strings considering not-same line endings
php-cs-fixer-phpunit-constraint-xmlmatchesxsd - Constraint for testing XML against XSD
php-cs-fixer3 - A tool to automatically fix PHP code style
php-dasprid-enum - PHP enum implementation
php-deepdiver-zipstreamer - Stream zip files without i/o overhead
php-deepend-Mockery - Mockery is a simple but flexible PHP mock object framework
php-di - The dependency injection container for humans
php-di-invoker - Generic and extensible callable invoker
php-di-symfony2-bridge - PHP-DI integration with Symfony
php-doctrine-annotations - PHP docblock annotations parser library
php-doctrine-annotations2 - PHP docblock annotations parser library
php-doctrine-cache - Doctrine Cache
php-doctrine-cache2 - Doctrine Cache version 2
php-doctrine-collections - Collections abstraction library
php-doctrine-common - Common library for Doctrine projects
php-doctrine-common3 - Common library for Doctrine projects version 3
php-doctrine-datafixtures - Data Fixtures for all Doctrine Object Managers
php-doctrine-dbal - Doctrine Database Abstraction Layer (DBAL)
php-doctrine-dbal3 - Doctrine Database Abstraction Layer (DBAL) version 3
php-doctrine-deprecations - A small layer on top of triggeFr_error or PSR-3 logging
php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle - Symfony Bundle for Doctrine
php-doctrine-doctrine-bundle2 - Symfony Bundle for Doctrine
php-doctrine-doctrine-cache-bundle - Symfony2 Bundle for Doctrine Cache
php-doctrine-event-manager - Simple PHP event system
php-doctrine-inflector - Common string manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules
php-doctrine-inflector2 - Common string manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules
php-doctrine-instantiator - Instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors
php-doctrine-instantiator11 - Instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors
php-doctrine-instantiator2 - Instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors, version 2
php-doctrine-lexer - Base library for a lexer that can be used in top-down, recursive descent parsers
php-doctrine-lexer2 - Base library for a lexer that can be used in top-down, recursive descent parsers
php-doctrine-migrations - PHP Doctrine Migrations project
php-doctrine-orm - Doctrine Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM)
php-doctrine-persistence - Doctrine Persistence abstractions
php-doctrine-persistence2 - Doctrine Persistence abstractions, version 2
php-doctrine-persistence3 - Doctrine Persistence abstractions, version 3
php-doctrine-reflection - Additional reflection functionality
php-doctrine-sql-formatter - SQL highlighting library
php-echonest-api - PHP classes for the Echo Nest API
php-egulias-email-validator - A library for validating emails
php-egulias-email-validator2 - A library for validating emails
php-egulias-email-validator3 - A library for validating emails
php-elvanto-litemoji - Conversion of unicode, HTML and shortcode emoji
php-email-address-validation - A PHP class for validating email addresses
php-erusev-parsedown - Markdown parser in PHP
php-evenement - Événement is a very simple event dispatching library for PHP
php-fedora-autoloader - Fedora Autoloader
php-fedora-autoloader-devel - php-fedora-autoloader devel
php-felixfbecker-advanced-json-rpc3 - A more advanced JSONRPC implementation
php-fig-http-message-util - PSR Http Message Util
php-firebase-php-jwt - A simple library to encode and decode JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
php-friendsofphp-proxy-manager-lts - OOP proxy wrappers utilities
php-gecko-packages-gecko-php-unit3 - Additional PHPUnit asserts and constraints
php-geshi - Generic syntax highlighter
php-getid3 - The PHP media file parser
php-gettext-gettext - PHP gettext manager
php-gettext-languages - Generate gettext language lists with plural rules
php-google-apiclient - Client library for Google APIs
php-google-apiclient-examples - Client library for Google APIs: Examples
php-google-apiclient-services - Google PHP API Client Services
php-google-apiclient1 - Client library for Google APIs (version 1)
php-google-apiclient1-examples - Client library for Google APIs: Examples
php-google-auth - Google Auth Library for PHP
php-google-recaptcha - reCAPTCHA PHP client library
php-goutte - A simple PHP web scraper
php-guzzlehttp-guzzle - PHP HTTP client and webservice framework
php-guzzlehttp-guzzle6 - PHP HTTP client library
php-guzzlehttp-psr7 - PSR-7 message implementation
php-horde-Horde-Browser - Horde Browser API
php-horde-Horde-Compress - Horde Compression API
php-horde-Horde-Core - Horde Core Framework libraries
php-horde-Horde-Crypt-Blowfish - Blowfish Encryption Library
php-horde-Horde-Data - Horde Data API
php-horde-Horde-Date-Parser - Horde Date Parser
php-horde-Horde-Form - Horde Form API
php-horde-Horde-Icalendar - iCalendar API
php-horde-Horde-Idna - IDNA backend normalization package
php-horde-Horde-Image - Horde Image API
php-horde-Horde-Imap-Client - Horde IMAP abstraction interface
php-horde-Horde-Kolab-Storage - A package for handling Kolab data stored on an IMAP server
php-horde-Horde-Ldap - Horde LDAP libraries
php-horde-Horde-Mail - Horde Mail Library
php-horde-Horde-Mapi - MAPI utility library
php-horde-Horde-Memcache - Horde Memcache API
php-horde-Horde-Mime - Horde MIME Library
php-horde-Horde-Mime-Viewer - Horde MIME Viewer Library
php-horde-Horde-Pdf - Horde PDF library
php-horde-Horde-Perms - Horde Permissions System
php-horde-Horde-Rpc - Horde RPC API
php-horde-Horde-Serialize - Data Encapulation API
php-horde-Horde-Service-Weather - Horde Weather Provider
php-horde-Horde-SessionHandler - Horde Session Handler API
php-horde-Horde-Smtp - Horde SMTP Client
php-horde-Horde-Socket-Client - Horde Socket Client
php-horde-Horde-Stream-Filter - Horde Stream filters
php-horde-Horde-Stream-Wrapper - Horde Stream wrappers
php-horde-Horde-Support - Horde support package
php-horde-Horde-Test - Horde testing base classes
php-horde-Horde-Text-Diff - Engine for performing and rendering text diffs
php-horde-Horde-Text-Filter - Horde Text Filter API
php-horde-Horde-Text-Flowed - Horde API for flowed text as per RFC 3676
php-horde-Horde-Util - Horde Utility Libraries
php-horde-Horde-Vfs - Virtual File System API
php-horde-Horde-Xml-Wbxml - Provides an API for encoding and decoding WBXML documents
php-horde-horde - Horde Application Framework
php-horde-imp - A web based webmail system
php-horde-ingo - An email filter rules manager
php-horde-kronolith - A web based calendar
php-horde-mnemo - A web based notes manager
php-horde-nag - A web based task list manager
php-horde-passwd - Horde password changing application
php-horde-turba - A web based address book
php-horde-wicked - Wiki application
php-htmLawed - PHP code to purify and filter HTML
php-http-interop-http-middleware - Common interface for HTTP middleware
php-http-message-factory - Factory interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP Message
php-icewind-smb2 - php wrapper for smbclient and libsmbclient-php
php-icewind-streams - A set of generic stream wrappers
php-jeremeamia-superclosure - Serialize Closure objects, including their context and binding
php-jms-serializer - Library for (de-)serializing data of any complexity
php-jsonlint - JSON Lint for PHP
php-justinrainbow-json-schema5 - A library to validate a json schema
php-kolab-net-ldap3 - Advanced functionality for accessing LDAP directories
php-laminas-authentication - Laminas Framework Authentication component
php-laminas-barcode - Laminas Framework Barcode component
php-laminas-cache - Laminas Framework Cache component
php-laminas-captcha - Laminas Framework Captcha component
php-laminas-cli - Laminas Framework Cli component v1
php-laminas-code - Laminas Framework Code component
php-laminas-code4 - Laminas Framework Code component
php-laminas-config - Laminas Framework Config component
php-laminas-config3 - Laminas Framework Config component v3
php-laminas-console - Laminas Framework Console component
php-laminas-crypt - Laminas Framework Crypt component
php-laminas-db - Laminas Framework Db component
php-laminas-di - Laminas Framework Di component
php-laminas-di3 - Laminas Framework Di component v3
php-laminas-diactoros - PSR HTTP Message implementations
php-laminas-diactoros2 - PSR HTTP Message implementations v2
php-laminas-diagnostics - A set of components for performing diagnostic tests
php-laminas-dom - Laminas Framework Dom component
php-laminas-escaper - Laminas Framework Escaper component
php-laminas-eventmanager - Trigger and listen to events within a PHP application
php-laminas-feed - Laminas Framework Feed component
php-laminas-file - Laminas Framework File component
php-laminas-filter - Laminas Framework Filter component
php-laminas-form - Laminas Framework Form component
php-laminas-form3 - Laminas Framework Form component version 3
php-laminas-http - Laminas Framework Http component
php-laminas-httphandlerrunner - Laminas Framework HttpHandlerRunner component
php-laminas-hydrator - Laminas Framework Hydrator component
php-laminas-hydrator3 - Laminas Framework Hydrator component v3
php-laminas-hydrator4 - Laminas Framework Hydrator component version 4
php-laminas-i18n - Laminas Framework I18n component
php-laminas-i18n-resources - Laminas Framework Translator component
php-laminas-inputfilter - Laminas Framework InputFilter component
php-laminas-json - Laminas Framework Json component
php-laminas-json-server - Laminas Json-Server is a JSON-RPC server implementation
php-laminas-ldap - Laminas Framework Ldap component
php-laminas-loader - Laminas Framework Loader component
php-laminas-log - Laminas Framework Log component
php-laminas-mail - Laminas Framework Mail component
php-laminas-math - Laminas Framework Math component
php-laminas-memory - Laminas Framework Memory component
php-laminas-mime - Laminas Framework Mime component
php-laminas-modulemanager - Laminas Framework ModuleManager component
php-laminas-mvc - Laminas Framework Mvc component
php-laminas-mvc-console - Laminas Framework Mvc/Console component
php-laminas-mvc-form - Laminas Framework Mvc/Form component
php-laminas-mvc-i18n - Laminas Framework Mvc/I18n component
php-laminas-mvc-plugin-fileprg - Laminas Framework Mvc/Plugin/FilePrg component
php-laminas-mvc-plugin-flashmessenger - Laminas Framework Mvc/Plugin/FlashMessenger component
php-laminas-mvc-plugin-identity - Laminas Framework Mvc/Plugin/Identity component
php-laminas-mvc-plugin-prg - Laminas Framework Mvc/Plugin/Prg component
php-laminas-mvc-plugins - Laminas Framework Mvc/Plugin component
php-laminas-navigation - Laminas Framework Navigation component
php-laminas-paginator - Laminas Framework Paginator component
php-laminas-permissions-acl - Laminas Framework Permissions/Acl component
php-laminas-permissions-rbac - Laminas Framework Permissions/Rbac component
php-laminas-progressbar - Laminas Framework ProgressBar component
php-laminas-psr7bridge - Laminas Framework Psr7Bridge component
php-laminas-recaptcha - Laminas Framework ReCaptcha component
php-laminas-router - Laminas Framework Router component
php-laminas-serializer - Laminas Framework Serializer component
php-laminas-server - Laminas Framework Server component
php-laminas-servicemanager - Laminas Framework ServiceManager component
php-laminas-servicemanager-di - Laminas Framework ServiceManager-Di component
php-laminas-session - Laminas Framework Session component
php-laminas-soap - Laminas Framework Soap component
php-laminas-stdlib - Laminas Framework Stdlib component
php-laminas-stratigility - Middleware for PHP
php-laminas-tag - Laminas Framework Tag component
php-laminas-test - Laminas Framework Test component
php-laminas-text - Laminas Framework Text component
php-laminas-uri - Laminas Framework Uri component
php-laminas-validator - Laminas Framework Validator component
php-laminas-view - Laminas Framework View component
php-laminas-xml - Laminas Framework Xml component
php-laminas-xml2json - Provides functionality for converting XML to JSON
php-laminas-xmlrpc - Laminas Framework XmlRpc component
php-laminas-zendframework-bridge - Alias legacy ZF class names to Laminas Project equivalents
php-league-climate - Allows you to easily output colored text, special formats, and more
php-league-container - A fast and intuitive dependency injection container
php-league-container4 - A fast and intuitive dependency injection container version 4
php-league-flysystem - Filesystem abstraction: Many filesystems, one API
php-league-mime-type-detection - Mime-type detection for Flysystem
php-league-tactician - A small, flexible command bus
php-marcusschwarz-lesserphp - A compiler for LESS written in PHP
php-markdown - Markdown implementation in PHP
php-masterminds-html5 - An HTML5 parser and serializer
php-maxmind-db-reader - MaxMind DB Reader
php-microsoft-tolerant-php-parser - Tolerant PHP-to-AST parser
php-mikealmond-musicbrainz - A PHP library to access MusicBrainz's Web Service v2
php-mikey179-vfsstream - PHP stream wrapper for a virtual file system
php-mkopinsky-zxcvbn-php - Realistic password strength estimation PHP library
php-mnapoli-phpunit-easymock - Helpers to build PHPUnit mocks
php-mock-integration2 - Integration package for PHP-Mock
php-mock-phpunit2 - Mock built-in PHP functions with PHPUnit.
php-mock2 - PHP-Mock can mock built-in PHP functions
php-mockery - Mockery is a simple but flexible PHP mock object framework
php-mongodb - MongoDB driver library
php-monolog2 - Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
php-morris-lessql - The agile PHP ORM alternative
php-mtdowling-jmespath-php - Declaratively specify how to extract elements from a JSON document
php-myclabs-deep-copy - Create deep copies (clones) of your objects
php-myclabs-deep-copy19 - Create deep copies (clones) of your objects
php-myclabs-php-enum - PHP Enum implementation
php-natxet-cssmin - Configurable CSS parser and minifier
php-netresearch-jsonmapper - Map nested JSON structures onto PHP classes
php-nikic-fast-route - Fast implementation of a regular expression based router
php-nikic-php-parser4 - A PHP parser written in PHP - version 4
php-nikic-php-parser5 - A PHP parser written in PHP - version 5
php-nrk-Predis - PHP client library for Redis
php-nyholm-psr7 - A fast PHP7 implementation of PSR-7
php-ocramius-proxy-manager - OOP proxy wrappers utilities
php-oneup-flysystem-bundle - Conversion of unicode, HTML and shortcode emoji
php-opencloud-openstack - PHP SDK for OpenStack clouds
php-opencloud-openstack-doc - Documentation for PHP SDK for OpenStack clouds
php-openpsa-universalfeedcreator - RSS and Atom feed generator
php-opis-closure - A library that can be used to serialize closures and arbitrary objects
php-owncloud-tarstreamer - Streaming dynamic tar files
php-paragonie-constant-time-encoding - Constant-time Implementations of RFC 4648 Encoding
php-paragonie-random-compat - PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7
php-patchwork-utf8 - Portable and performant UTF-8, Unicode and Grapheme Clusters for PHP
php-pda-pheanstalk - PHP client for beanstalkd queue
php-pdepend-PHP-Depend - PHP_Depend design quality metrics for PHP package
php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php-pear-Auth-SASL - Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses
php-pear-CAS - Central Authentication Service client library in php
php-pear-Cache-Lite - Fast and Safe little cache system for PHP
php-pear-Console-CommandLine - A full featured command line options and arguments parser
php-pear-Console-Getargs - Analyseur des arguments et paramètres en ligne de commande
php-pear-Console-Table - Class that makes it easy to build console style tables
php-pear-Crypt-CHAP - Class to generate CHAP packets
php-pear-DB - PEAR: Database Abstraction Layer
php-pear-HTTP-Request2 - Provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests
php-pear-Log - Abstracted logging facility for PHP
php-pear-Mail - Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails
php-pear-Mail-Mime - Classes to create MIME messages
php-pear-Mail-mimeDecode - Class to decode mime messages
php-pear-Net-DNS2 - PHP Resolver library used to communicate with a DNS server
php-pear-Net-IDNA2 - PHP library for punycode encoding and decoding
php-pear-Net-IMAP - Provides an implementation of the IMAP protocol
php-pear-Net-SMTP - Provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol
php-pear-Net-Sieve - Handles talking to a sieve server
php-pear-Net-Socket - Network Socket Interface
php-pear-Numbers-Words - Methods for spelling numerals in words
php-pear-PHP-CodeSniffer - PHP coding standards enforcement tool
php-pear-Text-CAPTCHA - Generation of CAPTCHAs
php-pear-Text-Password - Creating passwords with PHP
php-pear-XML-Parser - Une classe d'analyse XML utilisant l'extension expat de PHP
php-pear-crypt-gpg - GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG)
php-pear-math-biginteger - Pure-PHP arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library
php-pear-phing - A project build system based on Apache Ant
php-phar-io-manifest2 - Component for reading manifest information
php-phar-io-version3 - Library for handling version information and constraints
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock - DocBlock parser
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock4 - DocBlock parser
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock5 - DocBlock parser
php-phplang-scope-exit - Emulation of SCOPE_EXIT construct from C++
php-phpmailer6 - Full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP
php-phpmd-PHP-PMD - PHPMD - PHP Mess Detector
php-phpmyadmin-shapefile3 - ESRI ShapeFile library for PHP, version 3
php-phpmyadmin-sql-parser - A validating SQL lexer and parser with a focus on MySQL dialect
php-phpmyadmin-sql-parser5 - A validating SQL lexer and parser with a focus on MySQL dialect
php-phpmyadmin-twig-i18n-extension - Internationalization support for Twig via the gettext library
php-phpseclib - PHP Secure Communications Library
php-phpseclib-crypt-aes - Pure-PHP implementation of AES
php-phpseclib-crypt-base - Base class for symmetric key cryptographic algorithms
php-phpseclib-crypt-blowfish - Pure-PHP implementation of Blowfish
php-phpseclib-crypt-des - Pure-PHP implementation of DES
php-phpseclib-crypt-hash - Pure-PHP implementations of keyed HMACs and hashing functions
php-phpseclib-crypt-random - Random Number Generator
php-phpseclib-crypt-rc4 - Pure-PHP implementation of RC4
php-phpseclib-crypt-rijndael - Pure-PHP implementation of Rijndael
php-phpseclib-crypt-rsa - Pure-PHP PKCS#1 (v2.1) compliant implementation of RSA
php-phpseclib-crypt-tripledes - Pure-PHP implementation of Triple DES
php-phpseclib-crypt-twofish - Pure-PHP implementation of Twofish
php-phpseclib-file-asn1 - Pure-PHP ASN1 parser
php-phpseclib-net-sftp - Pure-PHP implementation of SFTP
php-phpseclib-net-ssh2 - Pure-PHP implementation of SSHv2
php-phpseclib3 - PHP Secure Communications Library
php-phpspec - Specification-oriented BDD framework for PHP
php-phpspec-php-diff - A library for generating differences between two hashable objects
php-phpspec-prophecy - Highly opinionated mocking framework for PHP
php-phpspec-prophecy-phpunit - Integrating the Prophecy mocking library in PHPUnit test cases
php-phpstan-phpdoc-parser - PHPDoc parser with support for nullable, intersection and generic types
php-phpunit-DbUnit - DbUnit port for PHP/PHPUnit
php-phpunit-File-Iterator - FilterIterator implementation that filters files based on a list of suffixes
php-phpunit-FinderFacade - Wrapper for Symfony Finder component
php-phpunit-PHP-CodeCoverage - PHP code coverage information
php-phpunit-PHP-Invoker - Utility class for invoking callables with a timeout
php-phpunit-PHPUnit - The PHP Unit Testing framework version 5
php-phpunit-PHPUnit-MockObject - Mock Object library for PHPUnit
php-phpunit-PHPUnit-Selenium - Selenium RC integration for PHPUnit
php-phpunit-Text-Template - Simple template engine
php-phpunit-Version - Managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects
php-phpunit-dbunit3 - Extension for database interaction testing for PHPUnit 6
php-phpunit-dbunit4 - Extension for database interaction testing for PHPUnit 7
php-phpunit-mock-objects5 - Mock Object library for PHPUnit
php-phpunit-mock-objects6 - Mock Object library for PHPUnit
php-phpunit-php-code-coverage10 - PHP code coverage information, version 10
php-phpunit-php-code-coverage11 - PHP code coverage information, version 11
php-phpunit-php-code-coverage6 - PHP code coverage information
php-phpunit-php-code-coverage7 - PHP code coverage information
php-phpunit-php-code-coverage8 - PHP code coverage information
php-phpunit-php-code-coverage9 - PHP code coverage information, version 9
php-phpunit-php-file-iterator2 - FilterIterator implementation that filters files based on a list of suffixes
php-phpunit-php-file-iterator3 - FilterIterator implementation that filters files based on a list of suffixes, version 3
php-phpunit-php-file-iterator4 - FilterIterator implementation based on a list of suffixes, version 4
php-phpunit-php-file-iterator5 - FilterIterator implementation based on a list of suffixes, version 5
php-phpunit-php-invoker2 - Invoke callables with a timeout
php-phpunit-php-invoker3 - Invoke callables with a timeout, version 3
php-phpunit-php-invoker4 - Invoke callables with a timeout, version 4
php-phpunit-php-invoker5 - Invoke callables with a timeout, version 5
php-phpunit-php-text-template2 - Simple template engine, version 2
php-phpunit-php-text-template3 - Simple template engine, version 3
php-phpunit-php-text-template4 - Simple template engine, version 4
php-phpunit-php-timer2 - PHP Utility class for timing
php-phpunit-php-timer3 - PHP Utility class for timing
php-phpunit-php-timer4 - PHP Utility class for timing
php-phpunit-php-timer5 - PHP Utility class for timing, version 5
php-phpunit-php-timer6 - PHP Utility class for timing, version 6
php-phpunit-php-timer7 - PHP Utility class for timing, version 7
php-phpunit-php-token-stream2 - Wrapper around PHP tokenizer extension
php-phpunit-php-token-stream3 - Wrapper around PHP tokenizer extension
php-phpunit-php-token-stream4 - Wrapper around PHP tokenizer extension
php-phpunit-phploc - A tool for quickly measuring the size of a PHP project
php-phpunit-selenium - Selenium RC integration for PHPUnit 9
php-phpunitgoodpractices-polyfill - Lacking future-compat polyfills for PHPUnit
php-pragmarx-google2fa - Google Two-Factor Authentication for PHP Package
php-pragmarx-google2fa-qrcode - QR Code package for Google2FA
php-pragmarx-google2fa5 - Google Two-Factor Authentication for PHP Package
php-psr-container - Common Container Interface
php-psr-container2 - Common Container Interface version 2
php-psr-event-dispatcher - Standard interfaces for event handling
php-psr-http-client - Common interface for HTTP clients
php-psr-http-factory - Common interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP message factories
php-psr-http-server-handler - Common interface for HTTP server-side request handler
php-psr-http-server-middleware - Common interface for HTTP server-side middleware
php-psr-simple-cache - Common interfaces for simple caching (PSR-16)
php-punic - PHP-Unicode CLDR
php-ralouphie-getallheaders - A polyfill for getallheaders
php-ramsey-collection - Library for representing and manipulating collections
php-ramsey-uuid - Library for generating and working with UUIDs
php-react-async - Async utilities for ReactPHP
php-react-cache - Async caching
php-react-child-process - Library for executing child processes
php-react-dns - Async DNS resolver
php-react-event-loop - Event loop abstraction layer that libraries can use for evented I/O
php-react-http - Library for building an evented http server
php-react-http-client - Asynchronous HTTP client library
php-react-promise - A lightweight implementation of CommonJS Promises/A for PHP
php-react-promise-stream - The missing link between Promise-land and Stream-land for ReactPHP
php-react-promise-timer - Trivial timeout implementation for Promises
php-react-socket - Async, streaming plaintext TCP/IP and secure TLS socket server
php-react-stream - Basic readable and writable stream interfaces that support piping
php-rmccue-requests - Requests for PHP is a humble HTTP request library
php-robrichards-xmlseclibs - A PHP library for XML Security
php-robrichards-xmlseclibs1 - A PHP library for XML Security (version 1)
php-robrichards-xmlseclibs3 - A PHP library for XML Security (version 3)
php-roundcube-rtf-html-php - RTF to HTML converter
php-sabre-dav - WebDAV Framework for PHP
php-sabre-dav4 - WebDAV Framework for PHP
php-sabre-event5 - Lightweight library for event-based programming
php-sabre-http - Library for dealing with http requests and responses
php-sabre-http5 - Library for dealing with http requests and responses
php-sabre-uri - Functions for making sense out of URIs
php-sabre-uri2 - Functions for making sense out of URIs
php-sabre-uri3 - Functions for making sense out of URIs
php-sabre-vobject - Library to parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects
php-sabre-vobject4 - Library to parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects
php-sabre-xml - XML library that you may not hate
php-sabre-xml2 - XML library that you may not hate
php-sabre-xml4 - XML library that you may not hate
php-samyoul-u2f-php-server - Server side handling class for FIDO U2F registration and authentication
php-sanmai-phpunit-legacy-adapter - PHPUnit Legacy Versions Adapter
php-scssphp - A compiler for SCSS written in PHP
php-scssphp-scssphp - Compiler for SCSS
php-sebastian-cli-parser - Library for parsing CLI options, version 1
php-sebastian-cli-parser2 - Library for parsing CLI options, version 2
php-sebastian-cli-parser3 - Library for parsing CLI options, version 3
php-sebastian-code-unit - Collection of value objects that represent the PHP code units, version 1
php-sebastian-code-unit-reverse-lookup - Looks up which function or method a line of code belongs to, version 1
php-sebastian-code-unit-reverse-lookup2 - Looks up which function or method a line of code belongs to, version 2
php-sebastian-code-unit-reverse-lookup3 - Looks up which function or method a line of code belongs to, version 3
php-sebastian-code-unit-reverse-lookup4 - Looks up which function or method a line of code belongs to, version 4
php-sebastian-code-unit2 - Collection of value objects that represent the PHP code units, version 2
php-sebastian-code-unit3 - Collection of value objects that represent the PHP code units, version 3
php-sebastian-comparator3 - Compare PHP values for equality, version 3
php-sebastian-comparator4 - Compare PHP values for equality, version 4
php-sebastian-comparator5 - Compare PHP values for equality, version 5
php-sebastian-comparator6 - Compare PHP values for equality, version 6
php-sebastian-complexity - Calculating the complexity of PHP code units, version 2
php-sebastian-complexity3 - Calculating the complexity of PHP code units, version 3
php-sebastian-complexity4 - Calculating the complexity of PHP code units, version 4
php-sebastian-diff3 - Diff implementation, version 3
php-sebastian-diff4 - Diff implementation, version 4
php-sebastian-diff5 - Diff implementation, version 5
php-sebastian-diff6 - Diff implementation, version 6
php-sebastian-environment4 - Handle HHVM/PHP environments, version 4
php-sebastian-environment5 - Handle HHVM/PHP environments, version 5
php-sebastian-environment6 - Handle HHVM/PHP environments, version 6
php-sebastian-environment7 - Handle HHVM/PHP environments, version 7
php-sebastian-exporter3 - Export PHP variables for visualization, version 3
php-sebastian-exporter4 - Export PHP variables for visualization, version 4
php-sebastian-exporter5 - Export PHP variables for visualization, version 5
php-sebastian-exporter6 - Export PHP variables for visualization, version 6
php-sebastian-finder-facade2 - Wrapper for Symfony Finder component version 2
php-sebastian-global-state2 - Snapshotting of global state
php-sebastian-global-state3 - Snapshotting of global state, version 3
php-sebastian-global-state4 - Snapshotting of global state
php-sebastian-global-state5 - Snapshotting of global state, version 5
php-sebastian-global-state6 - Snapshotting of global state, version 6
php-sebastian-global-state7 - Snapshotting of global state, version 7
php-sebastian-lines-of-code - Counting the lines of code in PHP source code, version 1
php-sebastian-lines-of-code2 - Counting the lines of code in PHP source code, version 2
php-sebastian-lines-of-code3 - Counting the lines of code in PHP source code, version 3
php-sebastian-object-enumerator - Traverses array and object to enumerate all referenced objects
php-sebastian-object-enumerator3 - Traverses array and object to enumerate all referenced objects, version 3
php-sebastian-object-enumerator4 - Traverses array and object to enumerate all referenced objects, version 4
php-sebastian-object-enumerator5 - Traverses array and object to enumerate all referenced objects, version 5
php-sebastian-object-enumerator6 - Traverses array and object to enumerate all referenced objects, version 6
php-sebastian-object-reflector - Allows reflection of object attributes, version 1
php-sebastian-object-reflector2 - Allows reflection of object attributes, version 2
php-sebastian-object-reflector3 - Allows reflection of object attributes, version 3
php-sebastian-object-reflector4 - Allows reflection of object attributes, version 4
php-sebastian-recursion-context - Recursively process PHP variables
php-sebastian-recursion-context3 - Recursively process PHP variables, version 3
php-sebastian-recursion-context4 - Recursively process PHP variables, version 4
php-sebastian-recursion-context5 - Recursively process PHP variables, version 5
php-sebastian-recursion-context6 - Recursively process PHP variables, version 6
php-sebastian-resource-operations2 - Provides a list of PHP built-in functions that operate on resources, version 2
php-sebastian-resource-operations3 - Provides a list of PHP built-in functions that operate on resources, version 3
php-sebastian-type - Collection of value objects that represent the types of the PHP type system, v1
php-sebastian-type2 - Collection of value objects that represent the types of the PHP type system, version 2
php-sebastian-type3 - Collection of value objects that represent the types of the PHP type system, v3
php-sebastian-type4 - Collection of value objects that represent the types of the PHP type system, v4
php-sebastian-type5 - Collection of value objects that represent the types of the PHP type system, v5
php-sebastian-version3 - Managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects, version 3
php-sebastian-version4 - Managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects, version 4
php-sebastian-version5 - Managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects, version 5
php-seld-cli-prompt - Allows you to prompt for user input on the command line
php-seld-phar-utils - PHAR file format utilities
php-sensiolabs-security-checker - A security checker for your composer.lock
php-sentry - PHP client for Sentry
php-simplesamlphp-saml2 - SAML2 PHP library from SimpleSAMLphp
php-simplesamlphp-saml2_3 - SAML2 PHP library from SimpleSAMLphp (version 3)
php-slim3 - PHP micro framework
php-solarium - Solarium PHP Solr client library
php-solarium4 - Solarium PHP Solr client library
php-stack-builder - Builder for stack middleware based on HttpKernelInterface
php-stecman-symfony-console-completion - Automatic BASH completion for Symfony Console based applications
php-swaggest-json-diff - JSON diff/rearrange/patch/pointer library for PHP
php-swaggest-json-schema - High definition PHP structures with JSON-schema based validation
php-swiftmailer6 - Free Feature-rich PHP Mailer
php-symfony - PHP framework for web projects
php-symfony-asset - Symfony Asset Component
php-symfony-browser-kit - Symfony BrowserKit Component
php-symfony-class-loader - Symfony ClassLoader Component
php-symfony-common - Symfony common files
php-symfony-config - Symfony Config Component
php-symfony-console - Symfony Console Component
php-symfony-contracts - A set of abstractions extracted out of the Symfony
php-symfony-contracts2 - A set of abstractions extracted out of the Symfony, version 2
php-symfony-css-selector - Symfony CssSelector Component
php-symfony-debug - Symfony Debug Component
php-symfony-debug-bundle - Symfony Debug Bundle
php-symfony-dependency-injection - Symfony DependencyInjection Component
php-symfony-doctrine-bridge - Symfony Doctrine Bridge
php-symfony-dom-crawler - Symfony DomCrawler Component
php-symfony-event-dispatcher - Symfony EventDispatcher Component
php-symfony-expression-language - Symfony ExpressionLanguage Component
php-symfony-filesystem - Symfony Filesystem Component
php-symfony-finder - Symfony Finder Component
php-symfony-form - Symfony Form Component
php-symfony-framework-bundle - Symfony Framework Bundle
php-symfony-http-foundation - Symfony HttpFoundation Component
php-symfony-http-kernel - Symfony HttpKernel Component
php-symfony-intl - Symfony Intl Component
php-symfony-ldap - Symfony LDAP Component
php-symfony-locale - Symfony Locale Component
php-symfony-monolog-bridge - Symfony Monolog Bridge
php-symfony-monolog-bundle - Symfony MonologBundle
php-symfony-options-resolver - Symfony OptionsResolver Component
php-symfony-phpunit-bridge - Symfony PHPUnit Bridge
php-symfony-polyfill - Symfony polyfills backporting features to lower PHP versions
php-symfony-process - Symfony Process Component
php-symfony-property-access - Symfony PropertyAccess Component
php-symfony-property-info - Symfony Property Info Component
php-symfony-proxy-manager-bridge - Symfony ProxyManager Bridge
php-symfony-psr-http-message-bridge - Symfony PSR HTTP message bridge
php-symfony-requirements-checker - Check Symfony requirements and give recommendations
php-symfony-routing - Symfony Routing Component
php-symfony-security - Symfony Security Component
php-symfony-security-bundle - Symfony Security Bundle
php-symfony-serializer - Symfony Serializer Component
php-symfony-stopwatch - Symfony Stopwatch Component
php-symfony-swiftmailer-bridge - Symfony Swiftmailer Bridge
php-symfony-templating - Symfony Templating Component
php-symfony-translation - Symfony Translation Component
php-symfony-twig-bridge - Symfony Twig Bridge
php-symfony-twig-bundle - Symfony Twig Bundle
php-symfony-validator - Symfony Validator Component
php-symfony-var-dumper - Symfony mechanism for exploring and dumping PHP variables
php-symfony-web-profiler-bundle - Symfony WebProfiler Bundle
php-symfony-yaml - Symfony Yaml Component
php-symfony3 - Symfony PHP framework (version 3)
php-symfony3-asset - Symfony Asset Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-browser-kit - Symfony BrowserKit Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-cache - Symfony implementation of PSR-6 (version 3)
php-symfony3-class-loader - Symfony ClassLoader Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-common - Symfony common (version 3)
php-symfony3-config - Symfony Config Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-console - Symfony Console Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-css-selector - Symfony CssSelector Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-debug - Symfony Debug Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-debug-bundle - Symfony Debug Bundle (version 3)
php-symfony3-dependency-injection - Symfony DependencyInjection Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-doctrine-bridge - Symfony Doctrine Bridge (version 3)
php-symfony3-dom-crawler - Symfony DomCrawler Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-dotenv - Registers environment variables from a .env file (version 3)
php-symfony3-event-dispatcher - Symfony EventDispatcher Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-expression-language - Symfony ExpressionLanguage Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-filesystem - Symfony Filesystem Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-finder - Symfony Finder Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-form - Symfony Form Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-framework-bundle - Symfony Framework Bundle (version 3)
php-symfony3-http-foundation - Symfony HttpFoundation Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-http-kernel - Symfony HttpKernel Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-inflector - Symfony Inflector Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-intl - Symfony Intl Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-ldap - An abstraction in front of PHP's LDAP functions (version 3)
php-symfony3-lock - Symfony Lock Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-monolog-bridge - Symfony Monolog Bridge (version 3)
php-symfony3-options-resolver - Symfony OptionsResolver Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-phpunit-bridge - Symfony PHPUnit Bridge (version 3)
php-symfony3-process - Symfony Process Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-property-access - Symfony PropertyAccess Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-property-info - Symfony PropertyInfo Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-proxy-manager-bridge - Symfony ProxyManager Bridge (version 3)
php-symfony3-routing - Symfony Routing Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-security - Symfony Security Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-security-bundle - Symfony Security Bundle (version 3)
php-symfony3-serializer - Symfony Serializer Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-stopwatch - Symfony Stopwatch Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-templating - Symfony Templating Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-translation - Symfony Translation Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-twig-bridge - Symfony Twig Bridge (version 3)
php-symfony3-twig-bundle - Symfony Twig Bundle (version 3)
php-symfony3-validator - Symfony Validator Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-var-dumper - Symfony mechanism for exploring and dumping PHP variables (version 3)
php-symfony3-web-link - Symfony WebLink Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-web-profiler-bundle - Symfony WebProfiler Bundle (version 3)
php-symfony3-web-server-bundle - Symfony WebServer Bundle (version 3)
php-symfony3-workflow - Symfony Workflow Component (version 3)
php-symfony3-yaml - Symfony Yaml Component (version 3)
php-symfony4 - Symfony PHP framework (version 4)
php-symfony4-asset - Symfony Asset Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-browser-kit - Symfony BrowserKit Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-cache - Symfony implementation of PSR-6 and PSR-16 (version 4)
php-symfony4-common - Symfony common (version 4)
php-symfony4-config - Symfony Config Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-console - Symfony Console Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-css-selector - Symfony CssSelector Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-debug - Symfony Debug Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-debug-bundle - Symfony Debug Bundle (version 4)
php-symfony4-dependency-injection - Symfony DependencyInjection Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-doctrine-bridge - Symfony Doctrine Bridge (version 4)
php-symfony4-dom-crawler - Symfony DomCrawler Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-dotenv - Registers environment variables from a .env file (version 4)
php-symfony4-error-handler - Symfony ErrorHandler Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-event-dispatcher - Symfony EventDispatcher Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-expression-language - Symfony ExpressionLanguage Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-filesystem - Symfony Filesystem Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-finder - Symfony Finder Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-form - Symfony Form Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-framework-bundle - Symfony Framework Bundle (version 4)
php-symfony4-http-client - Symfony HttpClient Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-http-foundation - Symfony HttpFoundation Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-http-kernel - Symfony HttpKernel Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-inflector - Symfony Inflector Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-intl - Symfony Intl Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-ldap - An abstraction in front of PHP's LDAP functions (version 4)
php-symfony4-lock - Symfony Lock Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-mailer - Symfony Mailer Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-messenger - Symfony Messenger Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-mime - Symfony Mime Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-monolog-bridge - Symfony Monolog Bridge (version 4)
php-symfony4-options-resolver - Symfony OptionsResolver Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-phpunit-bridge - Symfony PHPUnit Bridge (version 4)
php-symfony4-process - Symfony Process Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-property-access - Symfony PropertyAccess Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-property-info - Symfony PropertyInfo Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-proxy-manager-bridge - Symfony ProxyManager Bridge (version 4)
php-symfony4-routing - Symfony Routing Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-security - Symfony Security Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-security-bundle - Symfony Security Bundle (version 4)
php-symfony4-serializer - Symfony Serializer Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-stopwatch - Symfony Stopwatch Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-templating - Symfony Templating Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-translation - Symfony Translation Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-twig-bridge - Symfony Twig Bridge (version 4)
php-symfony4-twig-bundle - Symfony Twig Bundle (version 4)
php-symfony4-validator - Symfony Validator Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-var-dumper - Symfony mechanism for exploring and dumping PHP variables (version 4)
php-symfony4-var-exporter - Symfony exporting data structure to plain PHP code (version 4)
php-symfony4-web-link - Symfony WebLink Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-web-profiler-bundle - Symfony WebProfiler Bundle (version 4)
php-symfony4-web-server-bundle - Symfony WebServer Bundle (version 4)
php-symfony4-workflow - Symfony Workflow Component (version 4)
php-symfony4-yaml - Symfony Yaml Component (version 4)
php-tcpdf - PHP class for generating PDF documents and barcodes
php-tcpdf-dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts - DejaVu LGC sans-serif fonts for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-dejavu-lgc-sans-mono-fonts - DejaVu LGC mono-spaced fonts for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-dejavu-lgc-serif-fonts - DejaVu LGC serif fonts for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-dejavu-sans-fonts - DejaVu sans-serif fonts for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-dejavu-sans-mono-fonts - DejaVu mono-spaced fonts for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-dejavu-serif-fonts - DejaVu serif fonts for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-gnu-free-mono-fonts - GNU FreeFonts mono-spaced for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-gnu-free-sans-fonts - GNU FreeFonts sans-serif for tcpdf
php-tcpdf-gnu-free-serif-fonts - GNU FreeFonts serif for tcpdf
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-barcode - PHP library to generate linear and bidimensional barcodes
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-color - PHP library to manipulate various color representations
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-file - PHP library to read byte-level data from files
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-pdf - PHP PDF Library
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-pdf-encrypt - PHP library to encrypt data for PDF
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-pdf-filter - PHP library to decode PDF compression and encryption filters
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-pdf-font - PHP library containing PDF page formats and definitions
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-pdf-graph - PHP library containing PDF graphic and geometric methods
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-pdf-image - PHP library containing PDF Image methods
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-pdf-page - PHP library containing PDF page formats and definitions
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-pdf-parser - PHP library to parse PDF documents
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-unicode - PHP library containing Unicode methods
php-tecnickcom-tc-lib-unicode-data - PHP library containing UTF-8 font definitions
php-tedivm-jshrink - Javascript Minifier built in PHP
php-theseer-autoload - A tool and library to generate autoload code
php-theseer-fDOMDocument - An Extension to PHP standard DOM
php-theseer-tokenizer - Library for converting tokenized PHP source code into XML
php-twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
php-twig2 - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
php-twig3 - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
php-typo3-phar-stream-wrapper - Interceptors for PHP's native phar:// stream handling
php-typo3-phar-stream-wrapper2 - Interceptors for PHP's native phar:// stream handling (v2)
php-victorjonsson-markdowndocs - Command line tool for generating markdown-formatted class documentation
php-vlucas-phpdotenv - Loads environment variables from .env
php-webflo-drupal-finder - Provides a class to locate a Drupal installation in a given path
php-webimpress-http-middleware-compatibility - Compatibility library for Draft PSR-15 HTTP Middleware
php-webimpress-safe-writer - Tool to write files safely, to avoid race conditions
php-webmozart-assert - Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages
php-when - Date/Calendar recursion library for PHP
php-wikimedia-utfnormal - Unicode normalization functions
php-williamdes-mariadb-mysql-kbs - An index of the MariaDB and MySQL Knowledge bases
php-yoast-phpunit-polyfills - Set of polyfills for changed PHPUnit functionality
php-zendframework-zend-captcha - Zend Framework Captcha component
php-zendframework-zend-db - Zend Framework Db component
php-zendframework-zend-diactoros - PSR HTTP Message implementations
php-zendframework-zend-dom - Zend Framework Dom component
php-zendframework-zend-escaper - Zend Framework Escaper component
php-zendframework-zend-file - Zend Framework File component
php-zendframework-zend-http - Zend Framework Http component
php-zendframework-zend-i18n-resources - Zend Framework Translator component
php-zendframework-zend-ldap - Zend Framework Ldap component
php-zendframework-zend-loader - Zend Framework Loader component
php-zendframework-zend-log - Zend Framework Log component
php-zendframework-zend-paginator - Zend Framework Paginator component
php-zendframework-zend-uri - Zend Framework Uri component
php-zendframework-zend-validator - Zend Framework Validator component
php-zendframework-zenddiagnostics - A set of components for performing diagnostic tests
php-zendframework-zendxml - Zend Framework ZendXml component
php-zetacomponents-console-tools - Zeta ConsoleTools Component
php-zetacomponents-unit-test - Zeta UnitTest Component
php-zumba-json-serializer - Serialize PHP variables
php54-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php55-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php55-zephir - Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP.
php56-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php56-zephir - Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP.
php70-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php70-php-twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
php70-zephir - Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP.
php71-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php71-php-twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
php71-zephir - Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP.
php72-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php72-php-twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
php72-zephir - Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP.
php73-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php73-php-twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
php73-zephir - Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP.
php74-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php74-php-twig - The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
php74-zephir - Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP.
php80-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php81-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php82-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php83-php-pear - PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
phpMyAdmin - A web interface for MySQL and MariaDB
phpcov - CLI frontend for PHP_CodeCoverage
phpcpd - Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) for PHP code
phpdoc - Documentation generator for PHP
phpunit10 - The PHP Unit Testing framework version 10
phpunit11 - The PHP Unit Testing framework version 11
phpunit6 - The PHP Unit Testing framework version 6
phpunit7 - The PHP Unit Testing framework version 7
phpunit8 - The PHP Unit Testing framework version 8
phpunit9 - The PHP Unit Testing framework version 9
psysh - A runtime developer console, interactive debugger and REPL for PHP
qelectrotech-symbols - Collection d'éléments pour QElectroTech
redis-doc - Documentation for Redis including man pages
redis-trib - Cluster management script for Redis
remi-libssh2-docs - Documentation for libssh2
roundcubemail - Round Cube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client
wordpress - Blog tool and publishing platform
yaz-doc - Documentation for yaz
zephir - Zephir language for creation of extensions for PHP.