# RPM information extension for PHP

Retrieve RPM information from PHP code using librpm.

This extension can be considered as stable, and be used on production environement.

But be aware that if its API will probably stay stable,
some changes may occur before version 1.0.0.


# Sources

* Official git repository: https://git.remirepo.net/cgit/tools/php-rpminfo.git/
* Mirror on github for contributors: https://github.com/remicollet/rpminfo

# Build

You need the rpm development files (rpm-devel) version >= 4.11.3.

From the sources tree

    $ phpize
    $ ./configure --enable-rpminfo
    $ make
    $ make test


# Usage

## rpmvercmp

	int rpmvercmp(string evr1, string evr2);

Allow to compare 2 EVR (epoch:version-release) strings. The return value is < 0 if evr1 < evr2, > 0 if evr1 > evr2, 0 if equal.

    $ php -a
    php > var_dump(rpmvercmp("1.0", "1.1"));
    php > var_dump(rpmvercmp("1:1.0", "1.1"));

## rpminfo

	array rpminfo(string path [, bool full  [, string &error]]);

Retrieve information from a rpm file, reading its metadata.
If given `error` will be used to store error message instead of raising a warning.
The return value is a hash table, or false if it fails.

    $ php -a
    php > print_r(rpminfo("tests/bidon.rpm"));
        [Name] => bidon
        [Version] => 1
        [Release] => 1.fc25.remi
        [Arch] => x86_64
    php > print_r(rpminfo("tests/bidon.rpm", true));
        [Headeri18ntable] => C
        [Sigsize] => 2304
        [Sigmd5] => 644819c3566819b1e10a5c97943de094
        [Sha1header] => 0a86742fe53973ac9ab4611187a83ffb44f1de5a
        [Sha256header] => 9aab7242a80212ad1fe4fdd3b250c0c4f176c0b3fb1355c0d62ff094fc3f7da0
        [Name] => bidon
        [Version] => 1
        [Release] => 1.fc25.remi
        [Summary] => Bidon
        [Description] => A dummy package
        [IsSource] => 
    php > var_dump(rpminfo("missing.rpm"));
    Warning: rpminfo(): Can't open 'missing.rpm': No such file or directory in php shell code on line 1
    php > var_dump(rpminfo("missing.rpm", false, $error));
    php > echo $error;
    Can't open 'missing.rpm': No such file or directory

## rpmdbinfo

	array rpmdbinfo(string path [, bool full ]);

Retrieve information from rpm database about an installed package.
The return value is an array of hash tables, or false if it fails.

    $ php -a
    php > print_r(rpmdbinfo("php"));
        [0] => Array
                [Name] => php
                [Version] => 7.3.5
                [Release] => 1.fc31.remi
                [Summary] => PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
                [Arch] => x86_64

Retrieve information from rpm database about installed packages using glob or regex.
The return value is an array of hash tables, or false if it fails.

    $ php -a
    php > print_r(rpmdbsearch("php-pecl-r*", RPMTAG_NAME, RPMMIRE_GLOB));
        [0] => Array
                [Name] => php-pecl-radius
                [Version] => 1.4.0
                [Release] => 0.10.b1.fc31
                [Summary] => Radius client library
                [Arch] => x86_64
        [1] => Array
                [Name] => php-pecl-redis5
                [Version] => 5.2.0
                [Release] => 1.fc31.remi.7.3
                [Summary] => Extension for communicating with the Redis key-value store
                [Arch] => x86_64
        [2] => Array
                [Name] => php-pecl-rpminfo
                [Version] => 0.2.3
                [Release] => 1.fc31.remi.7.3
                [Summary] => RPM information
                [Arch] => x86_64

    $ php -a
    php > print_r(rpmdbsearch("^php-pecl-r", RPMTAG_NAME, RPMMIRE_REGEX));
        [0] => Array
                [Name] => php-pecl-radius
                [Version] => 1.4.0
                [Release] => 0.10.b1.fc31
                [Summary] => Radius client library
                [Arch] => x86_64
        [1] => Array
                [Name] => php-pecl-redis5
                [Version] => 5.2.0
                [Release] => 1.fc31.remi.7.3
                [Summary] => Extension for communicating with the Redis key-value store
                [Arch] => x86_64
        [2] => Array
                [Name] => php-pecl-rpminfo
                [Version] => 0.2.3
                [Release] => 1.fc31.remi.7.3
                [Summary] => RPM information
                [Arch] => x86_64

    $ php -a
    php > print_r(rpmdbsearch(PHP_BINARY, RPMTAG_INSTFILENAMES));
        [0] => Array
                [Name] => php-cli
                [Version] => 7.3.15
                [Release] => 1.fc31.remi
                [Summary] => Command-line interface for PHP
                [Arch] => x86_64



Author: Remi Collet

This extension is licensed under [The PHP License, version 3.01](http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt)


# History

Created as a PoC, for fun, see history on