BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterFix Bypass of CVE-2012-1823, Argument Injection in PHP-CGIRemi Collet3 days
v8.0.29commit e2e78c35c5...Remi Collet16 months
v8.0.28commit 8872347be5...Remi Collet20 months
v8.0.27commit 7ef988e3f0...Remi Collet21 months
v8.0.26commit bca335f99c...Remi Collet22 months
v8.0.25commit 45c73fea37...Remi Collet23 months
v8.0.24commit a24e79a0ca...Remi Collet2 years
v8.0.23commit 477e48392e...Remi Collet2 years
v8.0.22commit a9c38958cc...Remi Collet2 years
v8.0.21commit c6c23191f8...Remi Collet2 years
v8.0.20commit 19756c0c64...Remi Collet2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
3 daysFix Bypass of CVE-2012-1823, Argument Injection in PHP-CGIHEADmasterRemi Collet6-9/+660
2024-08-26add backport for Collet3-9/+53
2024-07-31use oracle client library version 23.5 on x86_64Remi Collet2-405/+401
2024-06-04Fix filter bypass in filter_var FILTER_VALIDATE_URLRemi Collet3-4/+187
2024-04-10Fix __Host-/__Secure- cookie bypass due to partial CVE-2022-31629 fixRemi Collet5-4/+283
2024-03-06use oracle client library version 21.13 on x86_64Remi Collet3-3/+474
2023-12-12use ICU 73.2Remi Collet2-10/+21
2023-12-12refresh patches (avoid offset)Remi Collet10-49/+708
2023-12-12refresh patch (avoid offset)Remi Collet1-194/+191
2023-09-22use oracle client library version 21.11 on x86_64, 19.19 on aarch64Remi Collet2-27/+34