%global ext_name redis %global with_zts 0%{?__ztsphp:1} %global gitver 6f7087f %global gitrel 38 %if 0%{?fedora} >= 16 || 0%{?rhel} >= 5 %ifarch ppc64 # redis have ExcludeArch: ppc64 %global with_test 0 %else %global with_test 1 %endif %else # redis version is too old %global with_test 0 %endif Summary: Extension for communicating with the Redis key-value store Name: php-%{ext_name} Version: 2.2.2 Release: 5%{?gitver:.git%{gitver}}%{?dist}.1 License: PHP Group: Development/Languages URL: https://github.com/nicolasff/phpredis %if 0%{?gitver:1} # wget https://github.com/nicolasff/phpredis/tarball/6f7087fbfe2b96a2fb36abb7005b70d86329c83d Source0: nicolasff-phpredis-%{version}-%{gitrel}-g%{gitver}.tar.gz %else # wget https://github.com/nicolasff/phpredis/tarball/2.2.2 -O php-redis-2.2.2.tgz Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tgz %endif BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root BuildRequires: php-devel BuildRequires: php-pecl-igbinary-devel # to run Test suite %if %{with_test} BuildRequires: redis >= 2.4.0 %endif Requires: php(zend-abi) = %{php_zend_api} Requires: php(api) = %{php_core_api} # php-pecl-igbinary missing php-pecl(igbinary)%{?_isa} Requires: php-pecl-igbinary%{?_isa} # Filter private shared object %{?filter_provides_in: %filter_provides_in %{_libdir}/.*\.so$} %{?filter_setup} %description The phpredis extension provides an API for communicating with the Redis key-value store. This Redis client implements most of the latest Redis API. As method only only works when also implemented on the server side, some doesn't work with an old redis server version. %prep %setup -q -c # rename source folder mv *redis* nts # Sanity check, really often broken extver=$(sed -n '/#define PHP_REDIS_VERSION/{s/.* "//;s/".*$//;p}' nts/php_redis.h) if test "x${extver}" != "x%{version}"; then : Error: Upstream extension version is ${extver}, expecting %{version}. exit 1 fi %if %{with_zts} # duplicate for ZTS build cp -pr nts zts %endif # Drop in the bit of configuration cat > %{ext_name}.ini << 'EOF' ; Enable %{ext_name} extension module extension = %{ext_name}.so ; phpredis can be used to store PHP sessions. ; To do this, uncomment and configure below ;session.save_handler = %{ext_name} ;session.save_path = "tcp://host1:6379?weight=1, tcp://host2:6379?weight=2&timeout=2.5, tcp://host3:6379?weight=2" EOF %build cd nts %{_bindir}/phpize %configure \ --enable-redis \ --enable-redis-session \ --enable-redis-igbinary \ --with-php-config=%{_bindir}/php-config make %{?_smp_mflags} %if %{with_zts} cd ../zts %{_bindir}/zts-phpize %configure \ --enable-redis \ --enable-redis-session \ --enable-redis-igbinary \ --with-php-config=%{_bindir}/zts-php-config make %{?_smp_mflags} %endif %install rm -rf %{buildroot} # Install the NTS stuff make -C nts install INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} install -D -m 644 %{ext_name}.ini %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/php.d/%{ext_name}.ini # Install the ZTS stuff %if %{with_zts} make -C zts install INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} install -D -m 644 %{ext_name}.ini %{buildroot}%{php_ztsinidir}/%{ext_name}.ini %endif %check # simple module load test ln -sf %{php_extdir}/igbinary.so nts/modules/igbinary.so php --no-php-ini \ --define extension_dir=nts/modules \ --define extension=igbinary.so \ --define extension=%{ext_name}.so \ --modules | grep %{ext_name} %if %{with_zts} ln -sf %{php_ztsextdir}/igbinary.so zts/modules/igbinary.so %{__ztsphp} --no-php-ini \ --define extension_dir=zts/modules \ --define extension=igbinary.so \ --define extension=%{ext_name}.so \ --modules | grep %{ext_name} %endif %if %{with_test} cd nts/tests # Launch redis server mkdir -p {run,log,lib}/redis sed -e "s:/var:$PWD:" \ -e "/daemonize/s/no/yes/" \ /etc/redis.conf >redis.conf # port number to allow 32/64 build at same time # and avoid conflict with a possible running server %if 0%{?__isa_bits} port=$(expr %{__isa_bits} + 6350) %else %ifarch x86_64 port=6414 %else port=6382 %endif %endif sed -e "s/6379/$port/" -i redis.conf sed -e "s/6379/$port/" -i TestRedis.php %{_sbindir}/redis-server ./redis.conf # Run the test Suite ret=0 php --no-php-ini \ --define extension_dir=../modules \ --define extension=igbinary.so \ --define extension=%{ext_name}.so \ TestRedis.php || ret=1 # Cleanup if [ -f run/redis/redis.pid ]; then kill $(cat run/redis/redis.pid) fi exit $ret %else : Upstream test suite disabled %endif %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc nts/COPYING nts/CREDITS nts/README.markdown %doc nts/arrays.markdown nts/serialize.list %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/php.d/%{ext_name}.ini %{php_extdir}/%{ext_name}.so %if %{with_zts} %{php_ztsextdir}/%{ext_name}.so %config(noreplace) %{php_ztsinidir}/%{ext_name}.ini %endif %changelog * Tue Sep 11 2012 Remi Collet - 2.2.2-5.git6f7087f - more docs and improved description * Sun Sep 2 2012 Remi Collet - 2.2.2-4.git6f7087f - latest snahot (without bundled igbinary) - remove chmod (done upstream) * Sat Sep 1 2012 Remi Collet - 2.2.2-3.git5df5153 - run only test suite with redis > 2.4 * Fri Aug 31 2012 Remi Collet - 2.2.2-2.git5df5153 - latest master - run test suite * Wed Aug 29 2012 Remi Collet - 2.2.2-1 - update to 2.2.2 - enable ZTS build * Tue Aug 28 2012 Remi Collet - 2.2.1-1 - initial package