# remirepo spec for php-guzzlehttp-ringphp, from Fedora: # # Fedora spec file for php-behat-mink # # Copyright (c) 2015 Shawn Iwinski # # License: MIT # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT # # Please preserve changelog entries # %global github_owner minkphp %global github_name Mink %global github_version 1.7.1 %global github_commit e6930b9c74693dff7f4e58577e1b1743399f3ff9 %global composer_vendor behat %global composer_project mink # "php": ">=5.3.1" %global php_min_ver 5.3.1 # "symfony/css-selector": "~2.1|~3.0" # NOTE: Min version not 2.1 because autoloader required %global symfony_min_ver %{?el6:2.3.31}%{!?el6:2.7.1} %global symfony_max_ver 4.0 # Build using "--without tests" to disable tests %global with_tests 0%{!?_without_tests:1} %global phpdir %{_datadir}/php %global testsdir %{_datadir}/tests Name: php-%{composer_vendor}-%{composer_project} Version: %{github_version} Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Browser controller/emulator abstraction for PHP Group: Development/Libraries License: MIT URL: http://mink.behat.org/ # GitHub export does not include tests. # Run php-behat-mink-get-source.sh to create full source. Source0: %{name}-%{github_version}-%{github_commit}.tar.gz Source1: %{name}-get-source.sh # Modify driver testsuite bootstrap Patch0: %{name}-driver-testsuite-bootstrap.patch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildArch: noarch # Tests %if %{with_tests} ## composer.json BuildRequires: php(language) >= %{php_min_ver} BuildRequires: php-composer(phpunit/phpunit) BuildRequires: php-composer(symfony/css-selector) >= %{symfony_min_ver} ## phpcompatinfo (computed from version 1.7.1) BuildRequires: php-dom BuildRequires: php-gd BuildRequires: php-json BuildRequires: php-mbstring BuildRequires: php-pcre BuildRequires: php-reflection BuildRequires: php-session BuildRequires: php-spl ## Autoloader BuildRequires: php-composer(symfony/class-loader) %endif # composer.json Requires: php(language) >= %{php_min_ver} Requires: php-composer(symfony/css-selector) >= %{symfony_min_ver} Requires: php-composer(symfony/css-selector) < %{symfony_max_ver} # phpcompatinfo (computed from version 1.7.1) Requires: php-mbstring Requires: php-pcre Requires: php-spl # Autoloader Requires: php-composer(symfony/class-loader) # Composer Provides: php-composer(%{composer_vendor}/%{composer_project}) = %{version} %description One of the most important parts in the web is a browser. Browser is the window through which web users interact with web applications and other users. Users are always talking with web applications through browsers. So, in order to test that our web application behaves correctly, we need a way to simulate this interaction between the browser and the web application in our tests. We need a Mink. Mink is an open source browser controller/emulator for web applications, written in PHP. Read Mink at a Glance [1] to learn more about Mink and why you need it. Autoloader: %{phpdir}/Behat/Mink/autoload.php [1] http://mink.behat.org/en/latest/at-a-glance.html # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %package driver-testsuite Summary: Mink driver testsuite Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} # phpcompatinfo (computed from version 1.7.0) Requires: php-gd Requires: php-json Requires: php-pcre Requires: php-reflection Requires: php-session Requires: php-spl # Bundled ## driver-testsuite/web-fixtures/js/jquery-1.6.2-min.js Provides: bundled(js-jquery1) = 1.6.2 ## driver-testsuite/web-fixtures/js/jquery-ui-1.8.14.custom.min.js Provides: bundled(js-jquery-ui) = 1.8.14 %description driver-testsuite %{summary}. Autoloader: %{testsdir}/%{name}-driver-testsuite/autoload.php Bootstrap: %{testsdir}/%{name}-driver-testsuite/boostrap.php # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %prep %setup -qn %{github_name}-%{github_commit} : Make PSR-0 driver testsuite tests # Separate "tests-psr0" and "tests" directories so driver testsuite users (other # packages) do not need to update their code mkdir -p driver-testsuite/tests-psr0/Behat/Mink/Tests/ ln -s ../../../../tests driver-testsuite/tests-psr0/Behat/Mink/Tests/Driver : Create driver testsuite autoloader cat <<'AUTOLOAD' | tee driver-testsuite/autoload.php addPrefix('Behat\\Mink\\Tests\\Driver\\', __DIR__ . '/tests-psr0'); return $fedoraClassLoader; AUTOLOAD : Patch driver testsuite bootstrap %patch0 -p1 %build : Create library autoloader cat <<'AUTOLOAD' | tee src/autoload.php register(); } $fedoraClassLoader->addPrefix('Behat\\Mink\\', dirname(dirname(__DIR__))); require_once '%{phpdir}/Symfony/Component/CssSelector/autoload.php'; return $fedoraClassLoader; AUTOLOAD %install rm -rf %{buildroot} : Library mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{phpdir}/Behat/Mink cp -pr src/* %{buildroot}%{phpdir}/Behat/Mink/ : Driver testsuite mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{testsdir} cp -pr driver-testsuite %{buildroot}%{testsdir}/%{name}-driver-testsuite %check %if %{with_tests} : Make PSR-0 tests mkdir -p tests-psr0/Behat/Mink/ ln -s ../../../tests tests-psr0/Behat/Mink/Tests : Create tests autoloader cat <<'AUTOLOAD' | tee tests-psr0/autoload.php addPrefix('Behat\\Mink\\Tests\\', __DIR__); AUTOLOAD %if 0%{?el5} sed -e 's/function testEscapedSelectors/function SKIP_testEscapedSelectors/' \ -e 's/function testSelectors/function SKIP_testSelectors/' \ -i tests/Selector/NamedSelectorTest.php %endif : Run tests run=0 ret=0 if which php56; then php56 %{_bindir}/phpunit --bootstrap tests-psr0/autoload.php || ret=1 run=1 fi if which php71; then php71 %{_bindir}/phpunit --bootstrap tests-psr0/autoload.php || ret=1 run=1 fi if [ $run -eq 0 ]; then %{_bindir}/phpunit --verbose --bootstrap tests-psr0/autoload.php fi exit $ret %else : Tests skipped %endif %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc} %license LICENSE %doc *.md %doc composer.json %dir %{phpdir}/Behat %{phpdir}/Behat/Mink %files driver-testsuite %dir %{testsdir} %{testsdir}/%{name}-driver-testsuite %changelog * Tue Aug 09 2016 Shawn Iwinski - 1.7.1-1 - Updated to 1.7.1 (RHBZ #1314987) * Tue Dec 1 2015 Remi Collet - 1.7.0-1 - backport for remi repository * Wed Nov 25 2015 Shawn Iwinski - 1.7.0-1 - Initial package