1 |
The value of constant VIPS_CONFIG has been changed from "enable debug: false, enable deprecated: true, enable modules: true, enable RAD load/save: true, enable Analyze7 load/save: true, enable PPM load/save: true, enable GIF load: true, use fftw for FFTs: true, accelerate loops with ORC: true, ICC profile support with lcms: true, zlib: true, text rendering with pangocairo: true, font file support with fontconfig: true, EXIF metadata support with libexif: true, JPEG load/save with libjpeg: true, JXL load/save with libjxl: true (dynamic module: true), JPEG2000 load/save with OpenJPEG: true, PNG load/save with libspng: true, PNG load/save with libpng: false, selected quantisation package: imagequant, TIFF load/save with libtiff: true, image pyramid save with libgsf: true, HEIC/AVIF load/save with libheif: true (dynamic module: true), WebP load/save with libwebp: true, PDF load with PDFium: false, PDF load with poppler-glib: true (dynamic module: true), SVG load with librsvg: true, EXR load with OpenEXR: true, OpenSlide load: true (dynamic module: true), Matlab load with libmatio: true, NIfTI load/save with niftiio: true, FITS load/save with cfitsio: true, GIF save with cgif: true, selected Magick package: MagickCore (dynamic module: true), Magick API version: magick7, Magick load: true, Magick save: true" to "enable debug: false\nenable deprecated: true\nenable modules: true\nenable cplusplus: true\nenable RAD load/save: true\nenable Analyze7 load/save: true\nenable PPM load/save: true\nenable GIF load: true\nuse fftw for FFTs: true\naccelerate loops with ORC: true\nICC profile support with lcms: true\nzlib: true\ntext rendering with pangocairo: true\nfont file support with fontconfig: true\nEXIF metadata support with libexif: true\nJPEG load/save with libjpeg: true\nJXL load/save with libjxl: true (dynamic module: true)\nJPEG2000 load/save with OpenJPEG: true\nPNG load/save with libspng: true\nPNG load/save with libpng: false\nselected quantisation package: imagequant\nTIFF load/save with libtiff: true\nimage pyramid save with libgsf: true\nHEIC/AVIF load/save with libheif: true (dynamic module: true)\nWebP load/save with libwebp: true\nPDF load with PDFium: false\nPDF load with poppler-glib: true (dynamic module: true)\nSVG load with librsvg: true\nEXR load with OpenEXR: true\nOpenSlide load: true (dynamic module: true)\nMatlab load with libmatio: true\nNIfTI load/save with niftiio: true\nFITS load/save with cfitsio: true\nGIF save with cgif: true\nselected Magick package: MagickCore (dynamic module: true)\nMagick API version: magick7\nMagick load: true\nMagick save: true". |
Applications will pass an old value of this constant as the parameter to the new-version library functions, that expect a new one. This may result in crash of incorrect behavior of applications. |